It was a lovely afternoon in San Geronimo Valley, where Helge Hellberg, of Marin Organic, addressed a crowd of about fifty guests and artists who came to view the new art produced on Marin Organic farms. The adjoining two galleries at the Community Center are bright, airy and it is easy to view the art. It is much more intimate than our last group show at the Marin Center. If you haven't visited the SGCC lately, you will enjoy the stained glass windows depicting Valley landscapes, and the W.P.A. mural outside the Valley Room that has been restored, with prints available. Click here to view the full album of the "Art on the Farm" reception on Flickr.
If you go:
When: Ongoing... now, through July 30, 2009
6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Geronimo, CA 94963
415-488-8888 x 252
Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 5:00 and by appointment. Private week-end showings arranged upon request 415-898-7730